Quail eggs
Smaller than those of hen (about 1/5) and of a milder taste, quail eggs have a dark flecked shell; they are produced all year round (on average 200-300 quail eggs) and sold in trays.
Meat quails are usually also laying hens. From a nutritional point of view, quail eggs contain less cholesterol than common ones but are richer in proteins, vitamins A and B and potassium and generally do not cause allergies. In the kitchen they can be prepared like chicken eggs, by rinsing them quickly in boiling water before using them.
Sode should be cooked 3-4 minutes in boiling salted water and to peel them, since the inner membrane is very hard, it is advisable to tap the shell on all sides with a knife and crumble it. Quail eggs are perfect for decorating and enriching dishes , from salads to quiches, to tartlets , but they can also be prepared breaded and fried , in small casseroles, poached.