Recipes made in Italy by Italians in Italian. Translated for You with Love

Roasted avocado wedges

Try the roasted avocado wedges, an easy and tasty recipe, perfect for an aperitif.

Roasted avocado wedges
2 avocados
1 lemon
100 grams panko
300 grams tomato sauce
1 clove garlic
1 jalapeno pepper
olive oil

Cut the avocados in half, remove their stone, peel and cut them in slices. Splash the slices with lemon juice. Then toast the panko with a spoon of olive oil for about 4 minutes. Bread the avocado slices with the toasted panko and afterwards cook them in the oven at 180° for 8-10 minutes (they have to become golden).

Brown a clove of garlic in a pan with 2 spoons of olive oil, add the tomato sauce as well as the pepper (previously washed and chopped) and cook for 10 minutes.

Finally serve the roasted avocado wedges and the sauce aside.

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