Who tastes it in risotto and who in a soft velvety, who decorates it in the night of the witches, and who uses it to make themselves more beautiful (or beautiful). One of the uses of this vegetable is, in fact also in homemade cosmetics, to make masks or scrubs
Pumpkins of all shapes, magical, good, and beautiful pumpkins. Even pumpkins make beauty masks and restore lost elasticity to the skin, the right hydration, and the necessary nutrients. In short, forget the old and obsolete cucumbers on the face. Now, the skin's queen is pumpkin pulp, expertly mixed with yogurt or olive oil, enriched with Manuka honey or brown sugar. That the pumpkin is good, inside and out, and simply sublime to taste is, therefore, a truth beyond question. Rich in vitamins A and C and enzymes, it also seems to have powers in restoring the circadian rhythm and functions as an anti-stress. And besides being able to use it from breakfast to dinner, it can also be spread on the face, body, or hair.
A classical of masks
If we want a nice mask, one to keep all night (maybe if you are single or if your husband/boyfriend is out) to be absorbed well by the skin, first of all, you need to blend the pulp of our pumpkin. At that point, a white yogurt, a little olive oil, a handful of chopped almonds, and a teaspoon of Manuka honey (a kind of New Zealand elixir) are added to the mixture. The texture obtained should be creamy enough to spread on the skin before bedtime. And when you wake up, look in the mirror after having removed it for good.
Go with the scrub
Another use is scrub or exfoliating gel. If the goal is to remove dead cells and restore shine to the skin, the experts' advice is to blend the pumpkin pulp and, once you have a creamy mixture, add brown sugar and cinnamon. Massage the skin by spreading the scrub and then rinse with warm water.
Variations on the theme
Those who want a refreshing mask for irritated skin, on the other hand, are advised to boil the pumpkin pulp by mixing it with clay and infusion of mint or lavender. Simultaneously, a cream made from pumpkin seeds crushed with olive oil is ideal for soothing freckles (provided it is advisable). If you want to use it as a moisturizer for the body, it is recommended to mix it with coconut milk (half a glass) and a teaspoon of cinnamon, leaving it to act for about fifteen minutes before rinsing.
Last but not least
Finally, if the problem is oily skin, all that remains is to blend the pulp, add a jar of plain yogurt and lemon juice and apply the mixture to the face. You can finally obtain a pack for dull hair with a spoonful of honey, one of argan oil, and the usual pumpkin pulp.