The Bloomberg ranking. The credit goes to the healthy ingredients of our Mediterranean diet.
Economic crisis or not, Italy is the healthiest country in the world. And the credit is in good - indeed very good! - part of our Mediterranean diet . Bloomberg, a multinational mass media giant that has compared 163 countries in the world, has elected Italy to the top of the ranking.
In the Bloomberg Global Health Index, Italians scored 93.11 points out of 100, which is the highest on the planet. Iceland and Switzerland follow, followed by Singapore and Australia. The United States , for example, only reaches 34th place : it is afflicted with obesity and overweight, and like Canada and Great Britain they suffer from high blood pressure, excess cholesterol and poorer mental health. Out of curiosity: Spain fifth in the standings, France in fourteenth place, Greece in twentieth and Japan in seventh.
On the basis of what is the health of a people and a country decreed? From tobacco consumption to the availability of drinking water, from high blood pressure to malnutrition: there are many variables at play. One of the main ones is - according to Bloomberg of course - life expectancy : in Italy there will be few children, but those who arrive can easily expect to exceed 80 years.
In this regard, the diet factor, which is crucial for health, comes into play . As many scientific studies have now confirmed, the Mediterranean diet is the trump card. That fights "bad" cholesterol, helps to keep oneself "young" etc etc etc.
The ingredients are those that we know and recognize from tradition and heart as our allies to feel good: lots of vegetables, fish - especially blue - cereals and legumes. And eggs. Few cheeses (few but good, "real" cheeses) and little, very little meat. And then lots of fresh fruit and of course extra virgin olive oil!
Genuine ingredients and fresh products are essential. Because the same foods, industrially processed, have a completely different value. And, of course, a completely different flavor.