Spring onion
March is the month in which the spring onion harvest begins, that is, early white variety onions harvested before the bulb is completely formed and swollen. They are characterized by tender pulp and delicate taste and for this reason they are also perfect raw in salads.
The spring onions are recognized by their elongated stem and turgid leaves of a beautiful intense green, a sign of freshness. Unlike onions (which can be kept up to 3 weeks), in fact, spring onions are only suitable for fresh consumption and are very perishable: in the fridge at home, they can be kept for about 3 days.
The spring onions on our market are of national production (Emilia Romagna, Lower Lazio, Puglia), with a point of excellence in Campania, where in some areas of the provinces of Salerno and Naples the precious Onion Nocerino Dop is grown: it has a small bulb ( 2-4 cm) and very white, succulent pulp and sweet taste. So much so that it is also appreciated abroad: it is imported as first fruits especially from Germany and other countries of Northern Europe.