Carrot is a herbaceous plant, botanically classified under the name of "Daucus carota , characterized by a root called "taproot" (the edible part) and a part formed by an intense green foliage located at the apex of the taproot. There are many varieties, classified according to the length of the root: short (8-10 cm), semi-long (10-15 cm) and long (over 15 cm) carrots.
It has a cylindrical shape, more or less thin, with a tapered or rounded tip and orange color (except for some red varieties, more common in Northern Europe). The carrot can be found on the market all year round, because the crops are differentiated. This vegetable has valuable nutritional properties, as it is rich in sugars, carbohydrates and vitamins (in particular A).
A good carrot should be firm and break witha sharp crack. The central soul, called "heart", must be small and not too fibrous. Before cooking, the carrot should be carefully scraped (not peeled, otherwise it loses some of its properties) and trimmed. The carrot lends itself to numerous preparations since it can be eaten raw, boiled, cooked in a pan and stewed. It is indispensable in the preparation of broth. Moreover, it can be used for flans, soups and even cakes.