Short pasta with pecorino and beans

Don't miss this opportunity, prepare the pecorino cheese pasta: the main course easy to prepare, ready in only 30 minutes; is excellent for your family or friends, at least once a year!

1 cup short pasta ( full )
2 oz pecorino cheese
1 cup shelled broad beans ( full )
1 onion
mint ( 4 leaves )
extra virgin olive oil ( to taste )
salt ( to taste )

In Italy, the freshly harvested pods are shelled directly at the table and are eaten with mature pecorino, one of the most traditional Italian cheeses, accompanied by a bit of bread: this is a tradition of peasant origin that recurs even nowadays, when the season of broad beans arrives. Sale&Pepe suggests this traditional combination in a pasta main course, light and tasty, enriching it with a pinch of mint. We suggest using a specific kind of pasta, traditional in central Italy, the mezze maniche: it has a characteristic tubular shape, short and ribbed. The fresh broad beans are one of the few vegetables that can be found in their season, in spring. This is synonymous with higher quality, so enjoy it! Don't miss this opportunity, prepare the pecorino cheese pasta: the main course easy to prepare, ready in only 30 minutes; is excellent for your family or friends, at least once a year!

Prepare the onion

Start peeling the onion, then slice it thinly. Put them in a non-stick pan with 4 tablespoons of oil, pour a ladle of warm water, and salt. Then cover the pan and cook for 20 minutes.

Cook the broad beans

Boil the biggest broad beans in boiling water for a few minutes, drain them, let cool, and remove the film that covers them. Add the broad beans to the onion, pour another ladle of boiling water and continue the cooking for 7-8 minutes on high heat.

Almost done

Add the chopped mint leaves and season with salt. Cook the pasta, and drain it "al dente" (in Italian this means that the pasta must not be completely cooked and soft, but must retain a bit of its hardness inside). Transfer the pasta to the pan with the broad beans, let it flavor for a few seconds, add the sliced pecorino, and serve.

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